Molekulargenetisches Labor
Zentrum für Nephrologie und Stoffwechsel
Moldiag Erkrankungen Gene Support Kontakt


Das RPE65-Gen kodiert ein Enzym, welches an der Regeneration des Pigmentepithels der Retina beteiligt ist. Mutationen verursachen autosomal rezessive Lebersche kongenitale Amaurose Typ 2.


Klinisch Untersuchungsmethoden Familienuntersuchung
Bearbeitungszeit 5 Tage
Probentyp genomische DNS
Klinisch Untersuchungsmethoden Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung
Bearbeitungszeit 25 Tage
Probentyp genomische DNS
Forschung Untersuchungsmethoden Direkte Sequenzierung der proteinkodierenden Bereiche eines Gens
Bearbeitungszeit 25 Tage
Probentyp genomische DNS
Forschung Untersuchungsmethoden Multiplex ligationsabhängige Amplifikation
Bearbeitungszeit 25 Tage
Probentyp genomische DNS

Verknüpfte Erkrankungen:

Lebersche kongenitale Amaurose 02



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Seeliger MW et al. (2001) New views on RPE65 deficiency: the rod system is the source of vision in a mouse model of Leber congenital amaurosis.

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Thompson DA et al. (2002) Retinal dystrophy due to paternal isodisomy for chromosome 1 or chromosome 2, with homoallelism for mutations in RPE65 or MERTK, respectively.

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Felius J et al. (2002) Clinical course and visual function in a family with mutations in the RPE65 gene.

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Van Hooser JP et al. (2002) Recovery of visual functions in a mouse model of Leber congenital amaurosis.

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Rohrer B et al. (2003) Correlation of regenerable opsin with rod ERG signal in Rpe65-/- mice during development and aging.

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Znoiko SL et al. (2005) Downregulation of cone-specific gene expression and degeneration of cone photoreceptors in the Rpe65-/- mouse at early ages.

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Moiseyev G et al. (2005) RPE65 is the isomerohydrolase in the retinoid visual cycle.

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Doyle SE et al. (2006) Nonvisual light responses in the Rpe65 knockout mouse: rod loss restores sensitivity to the melanopsin system.

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Wenzel A et al. (2007) RPE65 is essential for the function of cone photoreceptors in NRL-deficient mice.

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Samardzija M et al. (2008) R91W mutation in Rpe65 leads to milder early-onset retinal dystrophy due to the generation of low levels of 11-cis-retinal.

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Samardzija M et al. (2009) In conditions of limited chromophore supply rods entrap 11-cis-retinal leading to loss of cone function and cell death.

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Maeda T et al. (2009) Loss of cone photoreceptors caused by chromophore depletion is partially prevented by the artificial chromophore pro-drug, 9-cis-retinyl acetate.

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Thompson DA et al. (2000) Genetics and phenotypes of RPE65 mutations in inherited retinal degeneration.

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Gu SM et al. (1997) Mutations in RPE65 cause autosomal recessive childhood-onset severe retinal dystrophy.

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Wrigstad A et al. (1994) Slowly progressive changes of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium in Briard dogs with hereditary retinal dystrophy. A morphological study.

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Marlhens F et al. (1997) Mutations in RPE65 cause Leber's congenital amaurosis.

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Morimura H et al. (1998) Mutations in the RPE65 gene in patients with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa or leber congenital amaurosis.

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Aguirre GD et al. (1998) Congenital stationary night blindness in the dog: common mutation in the RPE65 gene indicates founder effect.

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Yzer S et al. (2003) A Tyr368His RPE65 founder mutation is associated with variable expression and progression of early onset retinal dystrophy in 10 families of a genetically isolated population.

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Al-Khayer K et al. (2004) Thirty-year follow-up of a patient with leber congenital amaurosis and novel RPE65 mutations.

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Båvik CO et al. (1992) Characterization of a plasma retinol-binding protein membrane receptor expressed in the retinal pigment epithelium.

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Nicoletti A et al. (1995) Molecular characterization of the human gene encoding an abundant 61 kDa protein specific to the retinal pigment epithelium.

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Hamel CP et al. (1994) The gene for the retinal pigment epithelium-specific protein RPE65 is localized to human 1p31 and mouse 3.

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Hamel CP et al. (1993) Molecular cloning and expression of RPE65, a novel retinal pigment epithelium-specific microsomal protein that is post-transcriptionally regulated in vitro.

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Redmond TM et al. (1998) Rpe65 is necessary for production of 11-cis-vitamin A in the retinal visual cycle.

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Grimm C et al. (2000) Protection of Rpe65-deficient mice identifies rhodopsin as a mediator of light-induced retinal degeneration.

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Van Hooser JP et al. (2000) Rapid restoration of visual pigment and function with oral retinoid in a mouse model of childhood blindness.

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NCBI article

NCBI 6121 external link

OMIM.ORG article

Omim 180069 external link

Orphanet article

Orphanet ID 118376 external link
Update: 14. August 2020
Copyright © 2005-2024 Zentrum für Nephrologie und Stoffwechsel, Dr. Mato Nagel
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